WP Force Password
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Please see the documentation of the “WP Force Password” plugin.Overview
This plugin is ideal for security reasons, provides password update reminders.
In the plugin settings, you can set Password Reset Days, and Select User roles will be required to reset their password regularly.
If the user password has expired this plugin redirects the login user to the admin screen profile.php page and the front end login lost password page wp-login.php to force change their password.
And also notice is displayed informing they must require to change their password to continue using this website.
Features of the WP Force Password plugin:
- Add password reset days
- Select user roles to allow the change expiry password
- Enable/Disable reset password feature for any user
- Force users to update expiry password
- Reminder email notification for password expired
How can I disable notifications based on the WordPress environment
This plugin use wp_get_environment_type() to retrieve the current environment type.
the WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE in the wp-config.php file to disable the notification for all the environments except the production.
The type can be set via the WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE in wp-config.php file.
Possible values are ‘local’, ‘development’, ‘staging’, and ‘production’. If not set, the type defaults to ‘production’.
Refrence url
Getting Started
Requirements –
To get the best experience with this WP Force Password plugin, we recommend the following:
PHP 7.4 or later
MySQL 5.6 or later
WordPress 4.7 or later
To be sure about the above requirements, contact your hosting vendor.
Installation & Activation –
This content explains how to install the plugin and get it working.
This plugin can be installed directly from your site.
- Log in and navigate to Plugins → Add New.
- Type “WP Force Password” into the Search and hit Enter.
- Locate the WP Force Password plugin in the list of search results and click Install now.
- Once installed, click the Activate link.
It can also be installed manually.
- Download the WP Force Password plugin from WordPress.org.
- Unzip the package and move it to your plugins directory.
- Login to the WordPress and navigate to the Plugins screen.
- Locate the WP Force Password in the list and click the Activate link.
Backend Settings :
Reviews WP Force Password
We hope you enjoy using the WP Force Password. Please note that we are always trying to improve it.
Thanks so much in advance!
Ans. In the plugin settings, you can set Password Reset Days, and Select User roles will be required to reset their password regularly.
ex: wp-admin > WP Force Password
Ans. Admin can edit any user profile or any user have an option on the profile page to enable or disable the force password reset feature.
In the plugin settings, the only selected user roles can use enable or disable the force password reset feature.
ex: wp-admin > profile.php > Enable Force Password
Ans. If the user’s password has been expired then after login it will automatically redirect to the admin screen profile page to see change expiry password notification then update the expiry password.
ex: wp-admin > profile.php > New Password
and in the site, front end login lost password page to see change expiry password notification then update the expiry password.
ex: wp-login.php?action=lostpassword
Ans. This plugin use wp_get_environment_type() to retrieve the current environment type.
The WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE in the wp-config.php file to disable the notification for all the environments except the production.
The type can be set via the WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE in wp-config.php file.
Possible values are ‘local’, ‘development’, ‘staging’, and ‘production’. If not set, the type defaults to ‘production’.
Refrence url : https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_get_environment_type/