This plugin allows users to create duplicate posts for any post type, or copy them to the new drafts for further editing. Also, it makes an exact number of copies of the selected post, page and custom post types.
How It Works
On the ‘Clone Settings’ page, select the elements which you want to clone.
In Edit Posts, Edit Pages and Edit Post for custom post type you can click on the ‘Clone’ link below the title, this will immediately create a clone and return to the list.
In Edit Posts, Edit Pages and Edit Post for the custom post type, you can select one or more items, then choose ‘Clone’ in the ‘Bulk Actions’ drop-down to clone them all at once.
Creates a duplicate copy of the selected post, page, and custom post type.
Creates numerous duplicate copies of selected items.
Cloning multiple bulk posts, pages and custom post type of selected items at a single click.
Here’s a link to the documentation for the plugin. This will help you learn more about its features and how to use it.
For any feedback or queries regarding this plugin, please contact our Support team.